Normal People is meant for normal people - Sally Rooney

The popular Sally Rooney novel has captivated me not only because of the writing but because of the raw organic story that she has created. Some people believe that her novels lack a story, something that is entertaining enough. I believe that what makes this book so special is the characters. Her books are not plot-based but rather character-based. The relationships built in Normal People makes you part of it. Marianne and Connell grow up together and you grow with them. Of course, this book takes place over many years but as you read on you feel like you learn new life lessons that they also learn.

The story begins in their last year of high school in Ireland. Marianne is the unpopular misunderstood girl in school while Connell is the popular football player. It starts as a typical high school romance novel. However, they start dating and sleeping together which starts raising questions about Connell’s morals. He is of course embarrassed by Marianne so they keep it a secret. What differentiates this story from others is the growth the characters go through. Once they arrive at uni, the roles change. Marianne is the beautiful popular girl and Connell is the shy misunderstood guy.

What I most enjoy about this is how both have separate lives but they always end up together. Every time they get separated they always find a way to get together. They are friends first and lover second which shows a real organic relationship between the two. This feeling of a normal love story with an internal character growth is what stays with a reader. Sally Rooney creates characters that you understand and sees yourself in even if the story itself is not similar to your own life story.

The time jumps were hard to get used to. She jumps from time to time and flashbacks in almost every chapel. It’s sometimes hard to keep up with these cups. The flashbacks only drive the point of a normal story. When you think you have thought jumps all the time. So, it was hard for me to get used to but once you do I believe it only brings the feeling of the organic sense even further.

Sally Rooney tends to use everyday discussions in her character’s conversations. It might not add anything to the story itself but it does make the character feel more from the everyday society we live in. We can see both sides of an argument usually and if those are not explored there are different opinions on everything. This enhances the idea of a normal story as it shows normal conversations that uni students might be having in today’s society. This also enhances the character’s growth throughout the story and the reader can learn more from them. This novel seems like a glimpse into two people.

The ending is what some people might not like. Yes, an open ending is always infuriating especially in this story as we have seen both characters grow and finally get together. However, this is what the title suggests. It is a normal story between two characters that still have a life (something that some romance stories do not have). Their whole personality is not only based on their love between the two so, but their continuing life without necessarily together only showing that they still have a life and that life also continues parallel to their love story.

This is a story of two friends that are meant to be together. This is a story between two people who grow up and end up finding each other. However, you see it I believe that this story is very touching. The characters stay with you somehow or another. You can comprehend them and see yourself in them. The writing is exquisite and Sally Rooney knows how to create powerful characters.


I am shocked at how confused Conversation with Friends left me - Sally Rooney


First Person Singular, another confusing mesmerising book by Murakami.