Of Mice and Men, another great Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men is a scary book about human nature, it follows our two main characters, George and Lennie. Lennie is a child-like giant that follows his friend George on any adventure to find ways to get money to be able to have their own ranch with their own bunnies.

The story we follow takes place when George and Lennie arrive at a new ranch. They make new friends and meet new people but what is most important, Lennie is back around people. He has to be able to not hurt anyone, do nothing bad and if he manages, they will get the money they need to get their bunnies. Soon enough we find that that will be quite impossible…

Steinbeck creates a masterful story about human’s own nature. It takes place in the time of the Great Depression which makes what both main characters represent, really fitting. Lennie represents inarticulate and powerful yearning of all men and George represents domed men wanting to get better and be in a better place (such as heaven). Lennie wants to get a ranch so he can take care of rabbits but he can’t, because he keeps doing bad things that pushes him back. George, similarly, wants money to get to have ranch but, because he is so understanding of Lennie, he never gets there to his own paradise.

In light of what I have just discussed, Of Mice and Men is a great thriller. You expect something to happen because the energy and the dark environment suggests that. How it’s going to happen and when is something you will have to find out for yourselves.


The Virgin Suicides was incredible - Jeffrey Eugenides


Lo Li Ta - Vladimir Nabokov