The Most Beautiful book you will ever read, Open water - Caleb Azumah Nelson

Open water takes you on a 140 page ride into the most beautiful narrated piece I have ever read. Every sentence is assembled with the most care and precision and fits perfectly well into the story of a young Black man in London falling in love with a Black woman.

The plot is very simple: boy falls in love with girl in London. But this book is so much more than that. It explores art and beauty and depression and love and family. The voice of the main character carefully describes these happenings with maturity and attention to even the smallest detail. I felt myself tearing up at every single book in this book not because of the sadness but at the utmost beauty that it holds.

Not only do we see the narration of a romantic love story but we also see a young Black man explore life in a modern London. It makes references to art, film and music by Black people that affect the protagonist as a Black man himself.

The mix between poetry and fiction narration really shows how Nelson is a master at the craft of writing. He uses the second-person narration with a perfection that I have never before encountered.

It is a short and concise book and although I wished it never ended, everything that needed to be said was said. Caleb Nelson has created a masterpiece, a work of art and my favourite book from now on. I will surely be checking out anything he puts out and I cannot wait how he grows as an artista and story teller.


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