The phoniest book is considered a classic? The Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger

The Catcher in the Rye is considered a classic but should it be one? This “review” is not necessarily a review. I want to take a moment to discuss why The Catcher in the Rye is so "controversial". We should just start by saying that this book is a love or hate story. And for myself, I love it. But, I think I love it because I am young, and this book is not for many adults (excluding the nostalgics, of course).

I have been wondering ever since I read this first, why so many people hate it, and finally, I see why. Holden is a piece of shit. So many people say that the plot is dull or the book is just not good, but I think their issue is with Holden as a character. Salinger creates a character that repeats sentences, insults people, makes numerous mistakes, mistreats people, and is… well, kinda stupid. I can see how he can be seen as infuriating. Or that the plot is "boring" and that nothing happens. I can see that I comprehend it, but I do not understand it. Let me explain why.

Yes, Holden got me rolling my eyes many times. The way he talked about some of the characters. The way he repeated the word phony or how his expressions were "overused". That is what is so wonderful about the book. Think about it, how does a teenager today talk? With social media and society changing, we have also seen a change in language. When I was 16, I am sure I overused words and expressions and even used them two or three times in one sentence. I'm sure you do or did too. I wasn't alive when this book was published, but teenagers those days surely used - and overused- those words. So, why are you mad that this book has an accurate speaking teenager.

I have been wondering ever since I read this first, why so many people hate it, and finally, I see why. Holden is a piece of shit. So many people say that the plot is dull or the book is just not good, but I think their issue is with Holden as a character. Salinger creates a character that repeats sentences, insults people, makes numerous mistakes, mistreats people, and is… well, kinda stupid. I can see how he can be seen as infuriating. Or that the plot is "boring" and that nothing happens. I can see that I comprehend it, but I do not understand it. Let me explain why.

Yes, Holden got me rolling my eyes many times. The way he talked about some of the characters. The way he repeated the word phony or how his expressions were "overused". That is what is so wonderful about the book. Think about it, how does a teenager today talk? With social media and society changing, we have also seen a change in language. When I was 16, I am sure I overused words and expressions and even used them two or three times in one sentence. I'm sure you do or did too. I wasn't alive when this book was published, but teenagers those days surely used - and overused- those words. So, why are you mad that this book has an accurate speaking teenager.


Lo Li Ta - Vladimir Nabokov


Piranesi, a wonderful experience - Susanna Clarke