Why Klara and the Sun is so wonderful - Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro is no stranger to praise. With his new release Klara and the Sun everyone who had read his previous work was impatient to read the Nobel Prize in Literature winner’s new work. Klara and the Sun is a work of art that explores themes such as family, friendship and growing old as well as human existence, climate change and technology advances. Klara, the robot is bought by Josie to become her companion and consequently her friend.

This is a heartwarming story that we get to explore through Klara’s eyes, we see a story through a non-human mind. This gives the reader a new insight into the human world, we see it as an outsider just like Klara. We see how humans are so angry, strange and how they destroy the world. We even see the strange social communications that take place in this story and throughout the world.

This is a story of a robot that loves a human girl and they become friends. This is also a story of a robot who tries to safe her friend from a horrible disease. This is also a story of growing up and leaving childhood behind. Overall this is a story about how love can work in so many different ways; family, friendship and relationships.

Happy endings not always have to be about ending up with the love of your life or surviving the illness. Ishiguro shows how a happy ending is just being happy even if it means you leave your home and start a new life. Klara ends up happy for Josie even if she is no longer useful as an AF but she knows she has done her best.

This is a book I one day want to revisit to remind myself of how a life with ups and downs does not mean that is a sad ending, you can always get up and get better and be happy. This book remind me of my happiness and the people and things that make me happy.


Why is Before the Coffee gets Cold so popular? - Toshikazu Kawaguchi


Is Beautiful World, where are you, that Beautiful? - Sally Rooney