A short wonderful book; Bonsai by Alejandro Zambra

When you find a book that blows your mind, you wonder why you haven’t seen it everywhere. Bonsai is one of those books.

A short story on love, loss and human connections. Zambra captures perfectly what it is to be human, what it is to be alive and what it is to meet someone and to connect with them. Although there isn’t much of a plot, his words are ones to remember.

Two Chilean students, Julio and Emilia, seek human connections, literature and sex. Julio’s story ends quickly, but he’s still alive, and Emilia’s story, although longer, still shorter than Julio’s. Both explore who they are side by side, drifting apart as life goes on.

This blew my mind because it captured the human mind differently. It is not trying to be too profound or complicated, it’s trying to show Emilia’s and Julio’s complicated identities and relationships through words that feel like each beat of the heart, life going on and on.

I want to share this book and I want more people to read it and to experience the beautiful words.


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